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Lana Bober

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Samuel Segal
Executive Vice President

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Khang Nghi Can
First Year Representative

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Zakiyyah-Beloved Abban
VP Internal

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Elena Sarsam
VP External

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Olivia Valcourt
Director of External

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Rachel Cutler
Director of External

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Kim Nguyen
PR Coordinator

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Sabrina Ste-Marie
VP Fashion Logistics

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Ben Carr
Director Fashion Sponsorship

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Şiva Serkisyan
Model Coordinator

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Zoe Holland
Director of Fashion Sponsorship

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Mariel Arrieta
VP Marketing

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Dahlia Matz
Content Creator

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Victor Assire
Graphic Design

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Chaithra Bolar
VP Finance

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Valentine Coletti
VP Events

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Jessica Doyle
Director of Events

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Mathilde Vanderland
VP Special Projects

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Divya Aery
VP Involvement

Lana Bober

“If it were up to me, Christmas would occur at least bi-weekly so that I can surprise my friends and family with the absolute best gifts. And most definitely coffee over tea and always with oat milk, trust me it’s tasty & environmentally friendly. Also, I can’t sleep without stuffed animals, I will only give them up for charity.”

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Samuel Segal

“Some would call me fashion oriented – find me casually sporting a suit one day, then showing up to the function in Jordans and a 90s-inspired oversized jacket. I’m equally a lover of 70s, 80s and 90s rock and tend to dwell on the good ole days – cue the dad comments. Speaking of which, I’ve fully embraced dad jokes and puns as a lifestyle and live by them daily.”

Zakiyyah-Beloved Abban

“Here to add a lil spice to your zoom meetings with my quick wit and on the spot team cheers. I’m the self-designated hype girl, so keep me on speed dial and hit me up whenever!

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Divya Aery

“I will dance to everything and anything but that still doesn’t mean I haven’t mastered the art of being clumsy. I’ll always be down for something fun as long as it’s not rollercoasters. And anyone who knows me will tell you I’ve been the ultimate wing woman since 98.”

Elena Sarsam

“I’m a dance lover and an even bigger ballet lover. I’m however not one to break stereotypes when it comes to the English and their fondness for tea. Being from England, I drink at least 5 cups of the stuff a day.”

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Olivia Valcourt

“If you’re wondering where I’ll be at every 5 à 8, it’s at Reggies, more specifically on the dance floor. And to answer the infamous ‘if you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be’ question, I’ll tell you instant noodles in a heartbeat. I also love sailing and have been doing it now for 10 years!”

Rachel Cutler

“I was able to swim before walking and look at me now – First Aid and Lifeguard certified. Call me for your pool parties, I got you. Speaking of parties, good luck getting me off the dance floor, you’ll need it. However, spiders and snakes creep me out – that’s how you’ll get me off the dance floor.” 

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Kim Nguyen

“Musical theatre and TikTok obsessed (find me making jokes over on @kimsthinking), some would say I’m the human embodiment of the color yellow. I have a compulsive need to do all the things and my agenda is my second brain.”

Sabrina Ste-Marie

“If you see a girl around 5’5 dropping something or tripping over absolutely nothing, well it’s mostly likely me. I have the hand-eye coordination of a peanut and can’t make it from one room into the next without tripping. I always have a cup of coffee or tea in my hands — unless I drop it. I also love me some sunsets, impulsive shoe buying, putting a smile on people’s faces, and dressing to impress.”

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Benjamin Carr

Catch me on the golf course in the AM or mixing your favorite cocktail in the PM. I never miss my shot; whether it’s sweet-talking my way to a deal or winning two national beer pong tournaments — “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” – Micheal Scott.. or Gretzky. Did someone say Starbucks, shopping, face masks, and the spa? You’re never too manly to pamper yourself and I choose to do it often. Oh, and did I hear you were in the mood for a home-cooked meal? You’re in luck, cooking is my favorite hobby!

Şiva Serkisyan

“I’m that one person in the group that falls asleep anywhere and in any condition no questions asked. However, I could never fall asleep watching The Lion King or Aladdin even 100 times in a row. I also love having breakfast so much that I get excited about it before going to bed!”

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Mariel Arrieta

“Beyoncé is my goddess, so watch out on karaoke night, I may never stop till sunrise. You may see me driving around downtown, sunglasses on, venti caramel macchiato in one hand, and steering the wheel of my mini cooper (my baby) with the other. Mama bear is my nickname you need a drive at 3am? You know I’m in. I’m the mom friend and will take care of you with my little grandma heart and my big hugs.”

Dahlia Matz

“I’m that person that needs no convincing to do just about anything. Road trip to BC? Pass the aux. Sneak into a concert? Get my wig. Crying over a boy? There in 5 with wine and Boustans. Like any other, I live by my music, so to resume, Otis Redding is my soul father and Avril Lavigne my pop punk mother.”

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Victor Assire

“I’m the ultimate Parisian cliché when it comes to spending an entire afternoon at the museum. And when 80’s music starts playing, forget it, I’m already the first one on the dance floor. Oh and, can someone please take my Visa card? My love for fashion has turned me into an impulsive buyer, I always end up with a credit balance.”

Mathilde Vanderland

“Call me a coffee and tea enthusiast; if you bring me a cup of either, I’ll love you forever. I’m also that person who’s always cold so I’m guilty of having a hoodie/blanket obsession. Animals and dark chocolate hold a special place in my heart so if you find a safari trip that serves dark chocolate and blankets, you’re my new best friend.”

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Valentine Coletti

“No, I was not born on Valentine’s day, though I do LOVE drawing, painting, and crafting – I can recreate any image from the internet on a canvas. I’m always the last one on the dancefloor simply because I love to dance, especially to reggaeton. I am very competitive and spirited, whether at JDC or in beer pong tournaments, I’ll be the most cheerful! I’ve lived in France, Florida, Panama, and Costa Rica so my personality is a sparkly mix of all these cultures!”

Jessica Doyle

“Can’t find Jess? Have you checked the closest concert venue? Oh would you look at that – yep, there she is.’ When I’m not scoping for concerts, I’m also a self-proclaimed professional chef. Complement my 5-star star cooking with a glass of wine, and you’ll find a happy Jess in her element.”

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Chaithra Bolar

“My nickname is Chai so yes, the baristas at Starbucks love me. I grew up in Zambia so The Lion King hit me extra hard – maybe that’s why my high school was also called Simba? I’m obsessed with cooking shows but if Gordon Ramsey ever tasted my cooking, he would call me an idiot sandwich.”

Khang Nghi Can

“No there’s no typo, my last name is actually Can. Is there anything I cannot do? Apparently not. Sometimes, you can find me sitting, lost in deep thought; in reality, I’m just wondering how come people don’t like pineapple on pizzas.”

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Zoe Holland

“When I’m allowed to throw a party again you can expect karaoke, an NBA game in the background, and enough rum to impress Jack Sparrow. Expert gift wrapper, brownie baker, and puzzle maker. If you ever see me in public in sweats and it’s not for my morning run something has gone terribly wrong.”

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